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Female, Switzerland, May 2017
Male, Switzerland, May 2006
Male, Switzerland, May 2008
Male, Switzerland, May 2006
The habitat - a bladder senna bush
Female, Switzerland, May 2007
There is a video of this female laying eggs HERE
Female, Switzerland, May 2007
Female, Switzerland, May 2007
Female laying in the calyx of bladder senna, Switzerland, May 2007
Female laying in the calyx of bladder senna, Switzerland, May 2007
Male, Switzerland, May 2005
Male, Switzerland, May 2005
Male, Switzerland, May 2005
These are the seed capsules of bladder senna, in which the caterpillars grow.
This is a bladder senna bush with almost all the flowers developed into seed pods...
... while this is another, in the same site, on the same day, with mostly flowers. The male blues show much more interest in these yellow bushes.
An interesting piece of trivia: the last person officially to record an iolas blue at Bex (actually, near Bex), my first point of call when I visit the Valley, was Vladimir Nabokov, of Lolita fame - a noted lepidoperist who lived in Switzerland towards the end of his life.